Because it's fun to make up silly words every now and then. ;)
Um, anyway, I was nominated for the Liebster Award by Miss Jane Bennet who hails from
Classical Ramblings, so thank you very much Jane (if I am permitted to call you that), I owe you one!
and link back the person who nominated you
eleven facts about yourself
the eleven questions asked by the blogger who nominated you
9 bloggers who have fewer than 200 followers (you can't nominate the
blogger who nominated you)
them eleven questions
them know of their nomination!
Oh no. Um...
1. I love Axolotls. If you haven't heard of these fascinating animals, you should totally research them when you've got the time!
2. I once got into the backyard of an old, abandoned house and tried to find a way inside while my sister stood guard outside the fence. I'm not sure that's legal. Oh well. If it is, it's a victimless crime.
3. It's number three and I'm already drawing a blank for ideas.
4. Oh look, this time last year I was reading Les Miserables! Right now I'm reading Emma. I wonder what I'll be reading this time
next year!
5. My sister has two rabbits named Chester and Rocket. (That's not really relevant to anything in the world, but I thought you should know. Well,
she thought you should know.)
6. Hockey is my favorite sport. That's... pretty obvious though.
7. Absolutely terrified of getting my ears pierced. I could go zip-lining, eat sashimi, watch Cats, defend Caninophobic siblings from attacking neighboring dogs. But a simple, safe procedure that is relatively painless? [shudders]
8. I'm an aspiring author, and yet I have exactly no finished manuscripts to my name. :P
9. Really, 11 of these?
10. Um... Hey, speaking of 11, my favorite Doctor is the 11th Doctor (Matt Smith).
11. I love scarfs. And jackets. And hats.
movie genre is your favorite?
I like Dark Fantasy movies like Pan's Labyrinth or Coraline. I also
like movies that are just kind of fun, like Mission Impossible: Ghost
Protocol or Aladdin. Just so that you don't think I'm a hipster. Because I'm not.
you like musicals? If so, list a few favorites.
always liked Les Miserables and The Nightmare Before Christmas (does
that count if it's not a stage play?). Phantom of the Opera and The
Music Man are good too. :D
modern author?
Dean Koontz. He writes horror/suspense novels, and he's Catholic-y.
So there isn't anything too horrid. ;)
you prefer reading a paperback or hardback book?
Hard one (eurrrgh pun)! I think paperbacks, since they're easier to read and tote
time period in history?
American Revolution. It's so interesting!
favorite food?
Not because I think it tastes bad (It's okay when it's not cold and rubbery) but it
always makes me sick, and like most people, I hate things that make
me sick.
you have any historical role models? If so, who and why?
really admire George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. But (I know this
is going to sound bad) there's also some things I like about Robert
E. Lee. When he had to surrender, I read that he accepted it with
great dignity and gallantry, and that is something truly admirable.
character who's most like you?
sister says I remind her of Elsa from Frozen because I'm prone to anxiety and I'm her big sister. I personally think I'm like Donald Duck. ;) Loud, almost impossible to understand, and always in a flaming rage about something or another.
you ever take personality quizzes? If so, list a few of your
I take them every now and then. I took a Lost one, Once Upon a Time,
Frozen, Kingdom Hearts, and Les Miserables. I had a good laugh when I
came out as Rumplestiltskin in the Once Upon a Time one. XD
book when you were little?
really liked these Magic Tree House books. Has anyone else read
those? Because I used to LOVE them. I still like to grab one for a
quick read every now and then. :)
on Kindles?
pretty cool, and really save on space if you're traveling, and I love
the dictionary feature. So that's neat. What I don't like about them
is that they don't have the same 'feel' as reading normal books, and
I like having physical copies of the books, because... well, I don't
know why, I just do. You don't have to charge real books, either ;)
My questions...
1. If you could be any animal for a day, which one would you choose?
2. Yoda vs. Gandalf, who would win?
3. What are a few of your favorite songs?
4. Favorite Holiday?
5. Sorry for all the 'favorite' questions, they must be *so* boring. XD Anyhoo, what are a few books that you really love?
6. If a total stranger told you to follow them, would you?
7. At bedtime, do you go straight to sleep, or do you read a book or something first?
8. Favorite composer?
9. What time of day do you feel like you work best in? If that makes any sense. :P
10. Text speech- saving time or just plain laziness?
11. What's the farthest you've ever been from home? Geographically speaking.
Of thee I zing...
Hannah from
Indigo Montoya
I don't really know anyone else who I'd nominate, so howabout this. If your blog has less than 200 followers, feel free. :P
Yes, I did just throw the rules to the wind. This is why I can't play sports.